
Meet our Team: Kaitlyn | Franchisee and Instructor

Give us a small introduction of yourself:

Hey Mamas, I'm Kaitlyn! Owner and instructor at FIT4MOM Reading. With no prior FIT4MOM experience, I opened FIT4MOM Reading in summer of 2018, at the time having 2 kids! Almost 6 years later, I have grown my FIT4MOM business as well as my family! When I began my FIT4MOM journey, I was working as a pre-kindergarten teacher and was looking for a way to integrate my career, passion for fitness and motherhood.

When I'm not doing FIT4MOM things (is that ever?) I enjoy running, watching football (Go Steelers), hanging with family and friends! :)

Who are the members of your family and where are you originally from?

Mom to: Benjamin (9), Lillee (7), Oliver (4) and Emma (2)

Born and raised in the Eastern Lebanon area!

What are your 3 favorite things?

Running 🏃🏼‍♀️

Grey's Anatomy 👩🏼‍⚕️

Reading 📚

If you were given 4 hours of FREE babysitting--what would you do

Ahh man, that's tough. Depends on the day. But right now probably sleep or just laying in bed ALONE!

What has being a mom taught you?

Be flexible. Routine and organization are great but learn to go with the flow because it won't ever go as planned and it's just easier to go with the flow then get upset about routine/organization.

What is your funniest or most embarrassing mommy moment (so far)?

Oh with four kids this is hard. One time while potty training, my oldest daughter, she blamed my mom for pooping on the floor-it was quite funny!

When was your first FIT4MOM class and what do you remember about it?

May 2018, I attended a neighboring franchise after signing my franchise contract and I knew it was the best decision and was ready to tackle on this journey of owning Fit4Mom Reading.

Tell us your story about how/why you became an instructor?

I wasn't always into fitness, growing up it was the thing I dreaded most--the high school mile, UGH! But then once I began my own fitness journey with running and working out at home, I wanted to take the new love of fitness and share it with others!

What is the BEST thing about being an instructor?

Seeing the moms hit fitness goals and push themselves to become better at certain moves/reps. And seeing the kids mimic us with workout moves and knowing our Stroller Stride songs and singing along.

What is your WHY? Why do you keep doing what you do?

The village--seeing these moms hit physical goals along with providing them a safe place to heal physically, mentally and emotionally through motherhood. Plus being an example for not only my kids but the kids in our village on the importance of good physical, mental and emotional health. And giving the village a support team.

What is your favorite class/exercise?

Burpees 😬 Or running at Strides 360

What is something many may not know about you?

I graduated college in 3.5 year and have a master degree in English as a Second language.

What is something you want the village to know?

You will get your pink back mama! Keep going, take it day by day. You will become YOU again!